Private Pilot License

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Solo again

Unlike last week, visibility was unlimited. A very nice winter day with a clear sky, sunshine and freezing cold. Very stable weather so perfect for a solo. We did three touch and go's of which two flapless and then I dropped my instructor off to do another three myself. I enjoyed it even more than last time because I was a little more self-confident.

This weekend, the museum next to our airport, transported an out of commission Boeing 747 to lelystad. The 747, next to 'Connie'. It looks great.

Date Time School Plane Reg from To DBO Landings PIC
19/12/04 12:15 PA Cesnna 150 PH-GRA EHLE EHLE 0:55 7 0:30

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Weight & Balance / Flight Plan

Lesson cancelled due to limited visibility. Instead I spend a hour in the classroom, making a weight & balance calculation and drawing up a flight-plan.