Private Pilot License

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Basic Instrument Flying VOR

Again the wheather was to bad to do the overland solo. As a backup we did the VOR training today. This was much more difficult than expected. I have ordered the VOR for my flight simulator so I will be able to do some practice on the sim soon.

Date Time School Plane Reg from To DBO Landings PIC
23/10/05 16:00 PA Cesnna 150 PH-ALI EHLE EHLE 1:10 1

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Introduction (2) to Instument Flying

Limited visiblity again today so the solo to Hoogeveen had to be postponed again. Instead we practiced instrument flying. Realy fun lesson, wearing special glasses you can only see the instrument panel. Than we praticed turns and how to make course changes when the electrical system or the vacuum system fails. Realy fun. I am looking forward to practice this on my sim. Next time we will learn to use the VOR and ADF, have to practice that too on the sim.

Date Time School Plane Reg from To DBO Landings PIC
15/10/05 16:00 PA Cesnna 150 PH-ALI EHLE EHLE 1:10 1